
Brand Purpose - Page 3 of 11 - Branding Strategy Insider

A powerful brand purpose sets out how a company intends to change the world for the better. Its role is to unite customers and culture alike in the pursuit of that intention. It’s a statement of belief, of hope, of pursuit. Branding Strategy Insider explores the best practices in defining an effective brand purpose.
Leveraging The Past For A Future With Purpose

The organizational scholar Sierk Ybema distinguishes between two different but familiar kinds of stories that leaders tell about the organization’s relationship with the past. In the nostalgic view, the past was a “golden age” from which the company has unfortunately strayed. Leaders and employees often take such a view to resist change and critique present-day ideas and practices.

Preventing Big Brands From Destroying The Planet

Despite expected whistleblowing and endless data scandals, the speed technology continues to impact our everyday lives shows how much we’re prepared to invest in this era of uncertainty. Yet, despite ‘brandscapes’ often appearing fickle and callow, there are many good reasons to believe startups will make the difference we need in the world. The decent ones, at least.

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