
Steve Wunker, Author at Branding Strategy Insider - Page 4 of 16

The Primary Driver Of Customer-Centric Innovation

Jobs to be Done is a way to understand why customers behave the way they do. It lays the groundwork for on-target innovation by digging deep to uncover what people are really seeking in a purchase occasion and what vectors exist for new ways to perform. Done right, this approach is both expansive and precise, uncovering a landscape of opportunity and exactly what must be done to meet customer needs. It is used across many...

Business Decisions Require Facts And Opinions

Management consulting is an industry built on facts. A “fact-based decision” (a phrase that returns 774,000,000 Google results) requires legions of analysts to gather and crunch data, and it so happens that consulting firms supply precisely such people. Facts appear to de-politicize decisions, imposing objectivity and facilitating difficult choices. Who but an imbecile could be against reaching for data?

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