Obama, McCain: A Political Brand Analysis

Derrick DayeOctober 28, 20081 min

With less than 7 critical days before the November 4th U.S. Presidential Election, we turn to some of the world’s savviest marketers – our readership, to help secure a better understanding of each candidate’s brand.

This brief survey is designed to identify the dimensions and qualities of the John McCain and Barack Obama brands. It will explore how different customer segments perceive each of these two presidential candidates differently. It will also explore the alignment of these candidates with the qualities that are most important to the people registered with the parties that they represent.

This survey is not supported by any political party or interest group. It was created by our chief brand strategist Brad VanAuken, author of Brand Aid, for the sole purpose of exploring the presidential candidate brands. Individual responses will remain confidential. All responses will be explored at a group level (men versus women, Democrats versus Republicans, etc.).

Anyone who takes the survey will have the opportunity to win one of the following: a copy of Brand Aid, an Amazon.com gift certificate or a Starbucks gift card through a random drawing.

The average time to take the survey is less than 10 minutes. Please click here and help us make a difference.

We will report the results and the winners here on Branding Strategy Insider prior to election day.

Thanks in advance.

Derrick Daye and Brad VanAuken

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